营养对婴幼儿生长发育密切相关,本文对42天婴儿营养不良的高危因素作一探讨,旨在早期干预。1 对象与方法142例营养不良患儿为1992年9月至1993年12月间我院儿保门诊产后42天婴儿高危筛查病例。按全国九城市儿童发育衡量数值评价和刘湘云等主编《儿童保健学》小儿营养不良分度诊断标准。
Nutrition is closely related to the growth and development of infants and young children. In this paper, the risk factors of malnutrition in infants aged 42 days are explored in order to discuss the early intervention. 1 objects and methods 142 cases of malnutrition in children from September 1992 to December 1993 42 days postpartum baby protection in our hospital high-risk screening of infants. According to the national evaluation of children’s development in nine cities and Liu Xiangyun, editor of “Child Health Care” pediatric malnutrition diagnostic criteria.