
来源 :国际经济合作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roytseng
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1988年起我公司开始了为期两年的第一轮承包。实践表明,它是提高经济效益,推动公司建设的有效途径。1.承包经营责任制解决了公司发展的内部动力,打破了“大锅饭”和平均主义,初步实现了责、权、利统一,从而调动了广大职工的积极性。承包经营者感到肩上有压力,工作有动力,全公司形成了同心同德、人人争先的好局面。2.承包经营责任制促进了公司业务发展和经济效益提高。在第一轮承包中,公司总收入2200多万元,创利额达1100多万元,创利额超过承包前7年的总和。3.承包经营责任制强化了公司的管理。以承包责任制为中心,制订了一系列相应的配套措施,建 Since 1988, our company has started a two-year first round of contracting. Practice shows that it is an effective way to increase economic efficiency and promote the company’s construction. 1. The contract responsibility system has solved the internal impetus for the development of the company, breaking the “big pot” and egalitarianism, and initially achieving the unity of responsibilities, rights, and benefits, thereby mobilizing the enthusiasm of the broad masses of employees. Contractors feel that they have pressure on their shoulders and their work is motivated. The whole company has formed a good situation in which everyone is sympathetic to each other. 2. The contract responsibility system has promoted the company’s business development and economic efficiency. In the first round of contracting, the company’s total revenue was more than RMB 22 million, and the amount of profit-making amounted to more than RMB 11 million. The amount of profit-making exceeded the sum of seven years before the contract. 3. The contract responsibility system strengthened the company’s management. With the contract responsibility system as the center, a series of corresponding supporting measures have been formulated.
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由丰台区房管局工程队承建。是本市规模最大的、达到国际比赛标准的棒垒球场,场内拥有一个棒垒球比赛场,两个棒垒球练习场,设有3200个观众席。 It was built by the Fengta
在泰国,陶瓷工业将处在一个鼎盛时期。以 Thai—German 陶瓷工业公司为例,在今后三年里将投资30亿泰国珠(1.35亿美元),用于扩大地砖的生产。月产量将达300万平方米,这部分投