以东海区分小渔区分天分网型的捕捞量统计数据为样本数据 ,计算出资源密度的时空分布数据 ,并结合地理信息系统技术对这一时空数据进行时空分析。对东海区的中上层鱼类资源和底层及近底层鱼类资源的空间展布作分析 ,可以看到资源分布的块状和带状特征 ,以及资源分布与水文环境的关系。最后 ,对每个渔区 1 1年的资源密度进行趋势分析发现 ,1 1年来大部分渔区的资源密度呈下降趋势 ,小部分渔区的资源密度呈上升趋势。
In this paper, the statistical data of catches of tidal net type in small fishing area in the East China Sea were taken as the sample data to calculate the spatial and temporal distribution of resource density, and the spatial-temporal analysis of the space-time data was carried out by combining the geographic information system technology. The analysis of the spatial distribution of pelagic fish stocks in the East China Sea and the bottom and near-bottom fish stocks shows the massive and banded features of resource distribution and the relationship between the distribution of resources and the hydrological environment. Finally, a trend analysis of 11-year resource density in each fishing area shows that the resource density of most fishing areas has been declining in the past 11 years, and the resource density of some fishing areas has been on the rise.