【摘 要】
强化保健保偿责任制,有利于提高农村妇幼保健服务质量和降低“两个”死亡率。 1 有利于调动两个积极性 积极推行和强化妇幼保健保偿制,可以调动入保者接受保健的积极性和主
【机 构】
山东省青岛市黄岛区妇幼保健所 266500
强化保健保偿责任制,有利于提高农村妇幼保健服务质量和降低“两个”死亡率。 1 有利于调动两个积极性 积极推行和强化妇幼保健保偿制,可以调动入保者接受保健的积极性和主动性。其原因是入保者按入保合同付了保偿金,所以能主动按合同要求定期到承保单位进行各种检查和预防接种。同时也调动了承保单位妇幼保健人员的积极性。其原因是妇幼保健单位已与入保者签了合同,必须按合同要求为入保者提供服务,否则出现问题自己负有责任,这样也提高了服务质量。
Strengthening the responsibility system for health care benefits will help improve the quality of MCH services in rural areas and reduce the “two” mortality rates. 1 Mobilize Two Positives It is imperative to actively promote and strengthen the MCHS system and be able to mobilize the insured persons’ enthusiasm and initiative to receive health care. The reason is that the insured pay the insurance contract according to the insurance contract, so they can take the initiative to contract regularly to the underwriting unit for a variety of inspection and vaccination. At the same time, it also mobilized the enthusiasm of MCH staff in underwriting units. The reason is that maternal and child health care units have signed contracts with insured persons and must provide services for insured persons as required by the contract. Otherwise, problems arise because of their own responsibility, which in turn improves the quality of service.
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泰和县实验小学退休教师项朝鲜,钟情于太极拳剑,15年来乐此不疲,孜孜不倦,不仅由一个体弱多病的中年女子健健康康地跨入银发一族,而且在全民健身运动中成为令人刮目相看的省市优秀健身气功女子运动员和先进工作者。 早在1993年以前,项朝鲜身体虚弱,长期失眠。正当她在郁闷、苦恼之时,有人介绍她去学24式太极拳,这一学一发不可收,越学越有趣,越练越精神。她夏练三伏冬练三九,持之不辍,如痴如醉,失眠症状大
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