回首1997年CPU产业的头条惊爆点,应该非Cyrix被收购莫属。之所以说它是头条惊爆点,是因为自此之后的高端市场只剩下AMD公司一家独挑大旗与Intel苦苦相斗。就连今年上半年Cyrix通过间接方式获得Pentium Ⅱ制造专利都没有引起太大反响,似乎Cyirx已经消声匿迹。打一个不恰当的比喻,CPU产业由原来的“两狼斗一虎”,变成了“一狼斗一虎”,力量对比发生了明显的变化。那么Cyrix公司是否就从此退隐江湖了呢?记者采访了美国国家半导体公司驻北京代表处负责Cyrix产品销售的侯旷怡先生。
Looking back on the headlines of the CPU industry in 1997 shock point, should be non-Cyrix acquisition. The reason why it is the head shock point, because since then the high-end market only left a banner of AMD alone struggling with Intel. Even in the first half of this year Cyrix Indirect access to Pentium II manufacturing patents did not cause much response, it seems Cyirx has disappeared. Hit an inappropriate analogy, CPU industry from the original “two wolves and one tiger” into a “wolf one tiger”, the power contrast has undergone significant changes. So whether Cyrix will fade from here? Reporters interviewed Mr. HO Kui-yi, who is responsible for sales of Cyrix products at the Beijing office of National Semiconductor Corporation.