导演:帕特里夏·罗泽马(Patricia Rozema)演员:阿比盖尔·布莱斯琳(Abigail Breslin)琼·库萨克(Joan Cusack)克里斯·奥登内尔(Chris O'Donnell)麦克思·西里奥特(Max Thieriot)类型:喜剧/剧情级别:G级出品:新线、影屋、HBO上映日期:2008年7月2日推荐指数:★★★剧情上个世纪的三十年代,经济上一度领先全球的美国不幸遭遇了可怕的经济大萧条。转瞬之间,人们的物质生活急剧恶化。自然,聪明可爱的凯特·基特里奇(阿比盖尔·布莱斯琳饰)一家也未能幸免。先是父亲(克里斯·奥登内尔饰)的事业遭受沉重打击,而不得不为了养家糊口而远涉他乡。母亲只得带着小凯特一同守护基特里奇家族最后的财产——他们不大不小的房子。还好,新来的房客们虽个性十足,却也都渐渐地相处融洽……
Director: Patricia Rozema Cast: Abigail Breslin Joan Cusack Chris O'Donnell ) Max Thieriot Genre: Comedy / Drama Level: G grade produced: New Line, photo studio, HBO Release Date: July 2, 2008 Recommended index: ★ ★ ★ Plot of the last three In the late 1930s, the United States, economically leading the world, unfortunately encountered a terrible economic depression. In a flash, people's material life has deteriorated drastically. Naturally, the clever and cute Kate Kitrich (Abigail Brycene) is not spared either. The cause of his father (Chris O'Donnell) was hit hard first, and had to go to his hometown to support his family. The mother had to accompany Little Kate guarding the last of the Kitrich family property - their modest house. Fortunately, the new arrivals, though full of personality, are gradually getting along well ...