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  The use cases of virtual reality (VR) expand each day. It never fails to amaze me how powerful and versatile1 the medium is.
   Here are just some examples of how this immersive medium is being put to good use.
  Raising donations
   Inspired by the bravery and courage of the incredible children fighting cancer at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, VR for Good2, Facebook, and St. Jude came together to create a VR experience that celebrates the real stories of survivors of childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
   Created by BBDO3 and developed by Flight School4, St. Jude Hall of Heroes is intended to help raise donations by giving donors the chance to see where their money goes and the people that it helps. The project uses VR as a storytelling and empathy machine.
   The experience is set on floating islands, each island has towering statues (heroism in battle is traditionally marked with a statue) that represent St. Jude patients and their stories. Users can walk up to these statues and hear from the patient about his or her fight against illness.
  Relieving pain during childbirth
   A small study has suggested that expectant mothers who use a calming virtual reality experience during labor could see their pain levels reduced. In a half-hour test conducted by Dr. Melissa Wong, an obstetrician-gynecologist5 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, participants were asked to score the pain level of their contractions6 on a scale of 1-10. Those who used the VR headsets with the “Labor Bliss” visualization for up to 30 minutes during contractions reported an average reduction in pain of 0.52, whereas those who didn’t wear the headsets experienced a pain increase of 0.58.
   While this is a small study, it does pave the way for offering the technology as an alternative to other pain relievers during childbirth.
  Training for high-risk situations
   Doctors and nurses in the emergency room (ER) work in a high pressure, high-stress environment, which sometimes involves making critical decisions. These emergency, low frequency, high stakes procedures are “life or death” cases and require a highly-skilled, highly experienced doctor. However, because of their relative rarity, the expertise7 needed is difficult to acquire.
  Medical professionals have traditionally trained on mannequins8 and cadavers9, however, this method of training cannot fully replicate the other pressures that come into play10 in a real emergency. Two doctors from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) teamed up with AiSolve and Bioflight VR to address this issue, by creating a virtual trauma room11 that more accurately represents how real-life emergencies may play out.    Within the experience, doctors are debriefed12 by the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) on the patient’s condition, then they have to check vital signs, assess medication and carry out the best course of action. This is all done under a time constraint—as with a real emergency—so it requires doctors to focus and keep calm under pressure. This training tool enables trainee doctors13 to prepare for the real thing, without the fear of failure and its consequences.
  Educating on racial bias
   REM5, a virtual reality Lab in St Louis Park, Minnesota is using the power of immersive technology to allow students, teachers, artists, and community groups explore subjects such as racial and gender bias.
   Amir Berenjian, the Co-Founder of REM5, explained, “We want to use virtual reality for good. We don’t ever want to view VR as a solution, but rather as a tool for this work. The real work comes when the headset comes off.”
   As part of diversity and inclusion training, REM5 put around 800 Cargill employees through the New York Times 360-degree video documentary, “Traveling While Black”. The documentary gives users an immersive experience on the challenges black people in America still face to this day. Viewers are taken on an emotional journey where they meet various African Americans and hear their first-hand experiences with racism, told through interviews and poetic cinematic recreations.
   Feedback from users has been very encouraging, with many noting how much more impactful it is to experience a documentary in 360-degrees, rather than simply watching it on a TV screen.
  Breaking barriers in the transgender community
   Authentically Us—the first documentary VR series from Facebook and Oculus—allows viewers to step into the lives of three transgender activists who are smashing glass ceilings14 and taking action to make communities safer for LGBTQ+ people15 everywhere. Users follow Aiden Crawford, Shannon Scott, and Acton Seibel in a 360-degree video as they campaign to change legislation, raise awareness, and challenge politics.
   Over three episodes, viewers come face to face with the everyday challenges a transgender person faces to live free and equal, through the viewpoints of three transgender identities: transmasculine, transfeminine and gender non-binary16.
   Authentically Us has, at its core, a powerful message: those who identify outside of the gender binary are everyday people who have always been a part of our communities.   虚拟现实(VR)的应用案例与日俱增,这种功能强大、用途广泛的工具总能让我感到惊奇。
  圣祖德儿童研究医院中一群了不起的孩子在抗癌中表现得勇敢无畏,受此启发,VR for Good、脸书和圣祖德医院联合创建了一款VR场景体验,歌颂这些患癌儿童及其他致命疾病幸存者的真实故事。
  为了帮助募捐,由BBDO制作、Flight School开发的名为“圣祖德英雄堂”的VR场景体验,给捐款人提供了一种途径,让他们能够清楚捐款的流向和所帮助的人。该项目利用VR进行故事叙述,激发人们产生共情。
  传统上,医学专业人员利用人体模型和尸体进行训练,然而,这种训练方式无法完全重现那些在实际紧急情况中面临的其他压力。为了解决这一问题,洛杉矶儿童医院的两位医生与AiSolve和Bioflight VR两家公司合作,创建了一个虚拟创伤手术室,该虚拟手术室能更准确地展现实际紧急情况会如何发生。
  REM5 VR实验室位于明尼苏达州圣路易斯公园,它利用沉浸式技术,能够让学生、教师、艺术家和社区团体探讨种族歧视和性别偏见等话题。
小时候,常听到酷爱京剧的爸爸在家里哼哼唱唱,什么《红鬃烈马》《打渔杀家》《萧何月下追韩信》等,但是最喜欢听他提起的戏目是《搜孤救孤》,也许是因为这名字用他那带有沪语口音的京腔一说,特别逗趣吧!其实,年幼的自己,对于这出老生泰斗余叔岩的传世之作,其入室弟子孟小冬的拿手好戏,根本一无所知,到了长大后,才知道原来戏文讲的是“赵氏孤儿”的故事!  “赵氏孤儿”的情节,源自春秋晋国正卿赵盾受奸佞屠岸贾所害,
Like many new developments, the full ramifications of the Blockchain technology have taken some time to be appreciated. Many more changes we haven’t yet considered will surely subsequently be given bi
有关电影片名的翻译已经有过很多的讨论。这里仅以中外若干电影片名的对译为例,谈谈翻译者的身份和扮演的角色。  电影片名的翻译方式多种多样,译者既求真也务实,但对于应用型文体的电影翻译而言,务实总体上高于求真:增加票房收入必然是首要考虑的社会因素。当译者抱着这样的目的对片名进行翻译时,难免会有超出翻译范畴的超“务实”行为,译者的身份和角色会随之发生改变:由“仆人”变为“主人”,或由“译者”变为“创造者
词语的选择首先关乎译文是否准确,例如《样章》的推荐语部分常见的“小说”这个词。在汉语里,无论短篇中篇长篇,一律冠之以“小说”是没有任何问题的,英译时则有必要区分到底是short story,还是novella甚或novel。  词语的选择还关乎译文是否生动。在这个方面,英语母语译者具备更为敏锐的洞察力,往往能够“本能”地找到合适的方式。要注意的是,汉语追求“文采”,喜欢大词,四字格也常常出现,但我
The biggest threat posed by the covid-19 outbreak is, of course, the health risks it poses. But that is not the only risk: Avoidance, social distancing and panic may have enormous economic consequence
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Passage 1  [1] 新中国成立70年来,中国的人权事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。  [2] 1949年新中国成立前,中国的人均GDP仅达27美元,人均预期寿命35岁,人均受教育年限不到一年,约90%的中国人民是文盲;战乱仍频,人民生活在苦难之中。  [3] 现在,中国已成为世界第二大经济体,人民安居乐业,人均预期寿命由35岁增长到77岁。中国已基本建立起保障公民权利的法律和政策体系。  [4
日常生活中,人們容易把“富”与“贵”相混淆2,如把有钱人家统称为“富贵之家”。其实,二者是不同的;富者未必贵,贵者未必富。  随着中国综合实力3的提高,国内的富人逐渐多了起来。但他们中不乏这样的人:住豪宅,却大放噪音,干扰邻居;开豪车,可把垃圾从车窗扔到马路上;到国外旅游,如入无人之境,喧哗、吵闹、加塞儿;为自己,一掷千金,捐善款,一毛不拔 …… 。他们虽然富有,却没有4半点儿贵族精神,有的只是暴
“I don’t think we should open it here,” warns Kazuyuki Ohashi, the executive chef at Lake Biwa Marriott Hotel, as he motions2 toward a crowd of diners. “It’s like blue cheese—some people like the tast
按照国内现有的情况,每个家庭在孩子出生前后都面临“三育”成本:生育、养育、教育。“三育”成本如此之高,像是三座大山,让很多年轻人不敢生孩子。而教育成本的一大支出便是校外培训。校外培训已经造成许多家庭经济、时间和精神上的负担,但即使如此,家长们往往还是不确定能否把孩子培养成才。笔者尝试总结了近年来培训机构在中国基础教育领域所扮演的角色。  教培机构是“碎钞机”  近些年来,教培行业野蛮生长,大量资本