江南多雨,春耕时节,更著细雨霏霏。然而,多少年来欲脱下斗笠蓑衣的当代农民,始终买不到适合耕田耘禾用的前短后长的雨衣。华东农村的农民只好用雨布披挂,辅以稻草绳捆扎凑合使用,但往往捉襟见肘,顾此失彼。“雨衣难倒了庄稼汉!”中国的农村市场,似乎成了“被遗忘的角落”。 去年初,一些苦于城市市场持续疲软、工业品严重积压的人们,把目光投向农村市场。一时间,工业品前呼后拥地下乡。大篷车开了下去,货郎担喊了起
It is rainier in the south of the Yangtze River. However, the contemporary farmers who have been trying to take off their clothes for many years have never been able to buy raincoats suitable for farming. Farmers in rural areas in East China had to use ponchos to clothe them with straw ropes to tie up and use them, but they often struggled to help one another. “The raincoat has stumped the farmers!” China’s rural market seems to have become a “forgotten corner”. At the beginning of last year, some people who suffered from the continued weakness in the urban market and a serious backlog of industrial products turned their attention to the rural market. For a time, industrial products hugged underground townships. The caravan opened and the salesman shouted