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本期出版时,恰逢“六一”儿童节。我们向孩子们,向祖国的未来祝贺节日。孩子,是祖用的明天,是民族的希望。少年儿童的培育和成长问题,历来是全社会关注的问题。进入新世纪之后,社会环境复杂化,毒害社会的因素增多,尤其是邪教“法轮功”的传播,使得关心孩子、教育孩子的问题,重新成为一个值得特别关注的的问题。所有的家长和教育工作者,重新面对孩子在身心上,甚至在生命上的安全问题。鲁迅先生在30年代针对愚昧对于孩子的毒害,曾经大声疾呼:“救救孩子!”如今,重温这声音,我们特别痛心疾首地感到:当“法轮功”罪恶的魔爪已经伸向了孩子幼小心灵的时候,我们再也不能对邪教的危害 This issue is coincided with the “June 1” Children’s Day. We congratulate the children on the festival of the future of the motherland. Children, is the ancestral tomorrow, is the hope of the nation. The problem of nurturing and growing young children has always been the concern of the entire society. After the advent of the new century, the social environment has become more complicated and elements of social poisoning have increased. In particular, the spread of the “Falungong” cult has turned the issue of caring for children and educating children back into a topic deserving special attention. All parents and educators will regain their children’s physical and psychological health even in life. In the 1930s, Mr. Lu Xun once made a loud cry for the ignorance of children’s poisoning: “Save the Children!” Now, reviewing this voice, we are particularly saddened to feel that when the clutches of the “Falungong” evil have reached the young minds of children We can no longer harm the cult
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我们采用简易灵敏的过氯酸—考马斯亮蓝定量法对137例各型乙肝患者及36名健康人进行了血清ASP含量的检测。检测结果为:正常人36例,ASP 含量为671.8±155.6mg/L((?)±SD),急
我科于1988年8月~1989年元月外用复方地冰油剂治疗带状疱疹,疗效满意.现将收治的15例总结报告如下. 材料和方法一、病例概况:15例中有9例为住院病人,其余6例为门诊有条件随访
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4月20日,正值牡丹花开的盛花期。一大早, 一群人手拿画笔身背画夹,也象许多不舍放弃这一机会的花痴们一样,三五成群地围在牡丹花前,或写或画,那认真执著的劲头,引来众游人止
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铁矿石价格飞涨曾让中国钢铁企业叫苦不迭,但安钢集团却巧妙地规避了部分价格风险。奥秘在于专心修炼内外功。内功:科学管理降成本;外功:合资建厂,源头上控制资源。 Iron or