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采用笼养方法研究了东亚飞蝗虫口密度和龄期对其由群居型向散居型转变的影响。结果表明,不同密度条件下饲养的蝗虫其由群居型转变成散居型的速度不一样。密度越高,转变的速度越慢;当密度过高时,即使由三龄期开始隔离也无法转变其生态型。将处于三龄期群居型蝗蝻在低密度下隔离,到四龄时为过渡型,到五龄和成虫时为群居型;而四龄期的群居型蝗蝻经隔离后,在五龄和成虫时仅偏向于群居型;五龄期的群居型蝗蝻经隔离后,在成虫时仍为群居型。所以,三龄期可能是东亚飞蝗由群居型向散居型转变的临界期。超过三龄,即使在低密度下也不易发生生态型转变。 The effects of pest population density and age of migratory locusts in East Asia on their change from social to diastrophism were studied using the method of caged cultivation. The results showed that the locusts fed under different densities had different rates of transformation from gregarious to diaspora. The higher the density, the slower the transition. When the density is too high, the ecotype can not be transformed even if it is isolated from the third instar. In the third instar gregarious locusts isolated at low density, to the fourth age as a transitional type, to the fifth instar and adult when the gregarious; and the fourth instar gregarious locusts isolated, at the fifth instar and adult Only biased towards the gregarious; the gregarious locusts of the fifth instar were still segregated when they were adults. Therefore, the third instar may be the critical period for the transformation of migratory locusts from social to diaspora. More than the third age, even in the low density is not prone to ecotype change.
在抢救呼吸衰竭建立人工气道进行机械通气中 ,为避免气管切开的并发症 ,应用纤维支气管镜引导下经鼻气管插管建立人工气道进行机械通气 ,取得良好的效果。现报导我科 1996年
新棉3号是2016年12月通过甘肃省审定的早熟、抗病棉花新品种。概述了新棉3号的亲本特点、选育过程、特征特性和适宜区域,总结了栽培技术要点。 Xinmian 3 is a precocious a
通过对铁路车站过往旅客进行艾滋病、性病宣传方式调查结果认为 :旅客对发放宣传品、播放电视录像较为欢迎 ,分别占 2 8 8%和 33 5 % ;对广播、宣传栏次之 ,分别占 17 9%和 1
入世后 ,我国企业的经营环境将发生巨大变化 ,中国经济将全面融入全球化经济。而贸易的开发和外资的大量涌入 ,也将给我国企业一个个新的机遇 ,如出口量、消费需求量的增加 ,
据媒体刊载 ,上海郊区的农民到市区走街串巷卖粮时 ,拿出名片分发给买主 ,这些厚道的农民说 :“吃完了大米 ,如果觉得味道不错的话 ,就打个电话来 ,我们为你送货上门。”上海
1 临床资料患者 女 ,2 4岁 ,因多关节疼痛伴皮疹 1年 ,于1997年 5月入院。患者于 1995年 12月无诱因出现全身大小关节间断性疼痛和面部蝶形红斑 ,伴间断性不规则高热 ,体温