悲伤没有止境,爱亦不会完结。硅谷罕见的女大佬2007年,Facebook创建第3年,便迅速跻身美国社交网访问量前列。此时,创始人小扎不过23岁,经营能力有限,急需帮手。有人向他推荐了谷歌副总裁雪莉·桑德伯格。彼时,38岁的雪莉已是商界传奇人物。为了挖到雪莉,小扎连续6周,每晚都去对方家“蹲点”。他的坚持感动了雪莉,她决定加入Facebook。在Facebook工作期间,小扎给雪莉开出了非常可观的薪水,事实证明,雪莉的能力完全对得起报酬。加入Facebook 3年,公司业绩年年飙高,网站员工从130人增加到2500
Sadness is endless, love is not over. Silicon Valley rare female chief In 2007, Facebook created the first three years, it quickly among the highest in the United States social network traffic. At this point, the founder of a small band, but 23-year-old small, limited ability to operate, in urgent need of help. Someone suggested to him that Google vice president Shirley Sandberg. That same time, Shirley, 38, was a business legend. In order to dig Shirley, a small bar for 6 weeks, each night to go to each other’s home. His insistence moved Shirley, she decided to join Facebook. While working on Facebook, Szabad gave Shirley a very handsome salary, and it turns out Shirley’s ability to pay him perfectly. After 3 years of joining Facebook, the performance of the company surged every year and the number of employees on the site increased from 130 to 2,500