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本译文上承译注(十五)。在这部分译注中,主要是记载吐蕃属民奴隶起义。其次叙及达磨赞普王族经过起义的打击逃往吐蕃各地的情况。 如果说达磨赞普被刺是吐蕃王族失去王权的开端,那么这还仅是其王族内部的问题。但是云丹、约松两王子争权割据,却是一统王朝的分裂之始,这是吐蕃史上前所未有的。继而招致的“伍约之战”(),它带来了更为严重的后果。第一,表明吐蕃王族矛盾不可调合,彻底分裂已不可逆转。这种矛盾是以王族争权为现象的奴隶主阶级间的矛盾,其矛盾和斗争与以前有很大不同:这不象以前各别贵族靠施以诡计搞个宫廷政变所能解决的问题。而是以二王子为招牌,各自背后有外戚、贵族出面,并拥有大量军队,各有一定的根据地,双方采取长期的大规模的武装冲突形式,其时间之长、规模之大前所未见。二十余年的混战,从参战的王族来说,除去耗尽了其本身的力量之外一无所得。而全局性的战争却在吐蕃属民面前彻底暴露了吐蕃王朝的可 The translation of the original translation note (fifteen). In this part of the translation, the main record is the Tubo Gentry slave revolt. Secondly, it is mentioned that the royal family of Darumazep escaped to various parts of Tibet after the attack of the uprising. If Tatmadaw Thorn is the beginning of the Tubo royal loss of monarchy, then this is only a matter of the royal family. However, the separatist separatist orders of Yun Dan and Jonsong are the beginnings of the unification of the dynasty. This is unprecedented in Tubo history. The ensuing “war on the Woody” (), which has brought even more serious consequences. First, it shows that the conflicts between the royal clans in Tibet can not be reconciled, and the complete division has been irreversible. This kind of contradiction is a contradiction between slave-class hierarchies based on the power struggle of the royal family. Contradictions and struggles are quite different from those in the past. This is not like the problems that aristocrats can solve in the court coup before. But with the two princes as their signboards, behind their own relatives and aristocrats, and with a large number of armed forces. Each has its own base and both sides take the form of long-term large-scale armed conflicts that have been unprecedented in their length and scale . For more than two decades, the melee, from the warlord’s royal family, has done nothing but to exhaust its own power. However, the overall war has thoroughly exposed the Tubo dynasty before the Tubo people
徒弟:何谓“彩电开启难”故障? 师傅:所谓的“开启难”故障,是指“开机启动工作难”故障的简称。广义的指电视机开机即接通电源开关后,不能立即启动工作或启动很困难,不能进
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