针对西门子 N- 30 - 2 *1 0型 35 0 MW汽轮机低压缸结构特点 ,分析了阳城电厂一期工程 1号、 2号机组参照西门子公司提供的组合工艺进行施工时产生变形的原因。在 3号机组合时采取了针对性的防止变形措施。组合结果表明 ,所采取的措施是有效的 ,很好地控制了变形
According to the structural characteristics of the low pressure cylinder of Siemens N- 30 - 2 * 10 0 35 steam turbine, the causes of the deformation of Unit 1 and Unit 2 of Yangcheng Power Plant during the construction are analyzed with reference to the combined process provided by Siemens. In the combination of No. 3 to take targeted measures to prevent deformation. The combined results show that the measures taken are effective and well controlled the deformation