目前,中学生学习负担过重,特别是高中毕业班的学生,视力衰退,神经衰弱,大有人在。“忧心忡忡兮,望题海而兴叹;精疲力竭兮,捧书本而苦思。”这是一些学生的自我写照。 这里,就“如何既不加重学生负担,又能提高教学质量”这个问题谈点粗浅的看法和体会。 一、课堂教学要简明扼要,解除学生“听不懂”的精神负担。 减轻学生负担,提高教学质量,必须着重讲求课堂教学的效果。“在45分钟上看火候,向45分钟要好钢。”其关键是教师的讲解要简明扼要,突出重点,不含糊其词,使学生在听课时觉得清晰,有轻松感。
At present, middle school students are overburdened with learning. In particular, students in high school graduating classes suffer from declining vision and nervous breakdown. “Worried and worrying about the sea and sighing; exhausted and exhausted, holding the book and thinking hard.” This is a self-image of some students. Here, we will talk about superficial views and experiences on the question of “how to increase the quality of teaching without increasing student burden.” First, classroom teaching should be concise and clear, relieve the students from the “inaudible” mental burden. To reduce the burden on students and improve teaching quality, we must focus on the effectiveness of classroom teaching. “When we look at the heat in 45 minutes, we must be good to 45 minutes.” The key is that the teacher’s explanation is concise, focused, and unambiguous, so that the students feel clear and relaxed during the lecture.