在南村4000余人口中,90%属周姓,村人自称祖上于宋代年间自湖南迁来。南村“周氏大宗祠”的大门有一副对联,曰: “遂承恩泽先师濂溪开千秋理学/禄惠周宣上祖茂叔说一篇爱莲”,此联表明南村周氏乃认北宋理学大家周敦颐(公元1017 至1073年)为先祖——周敦颐,字茂叔,道州营道(今湖南道县)人,晚年在庐山莲花峰下建濂溪学堂讲学,世称濂澳先生, 著有名篇《爱莲说》,其中“出污泥而不染”更成千古佳句。
More than 4,000 people live in Nancun, 90% of whom are surnamed Zhou. The villagers claimed that their ancestors had moved from Hunan in the Song Dynasty. Nancun “Zhou’s Ancestral Hall,” the door there is a couplet, said: “Then Cheng Enze pioneer Sui Kai Chui Kai Ching School / Lu Hui Zhou Xuan Mao Shushu said a love lotus,” The Union shows that the village of Zhou is recognized Northern Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism Zhou Dunyi (AD 1017 to 1073) as the ancestors - Zhou Dunyi, word Mau Shu, Daoshuoyao (now Hunan Road County) who, in his later years Lushan Lotus Peak under the construction of Sui River School lecture, the world said Mr. 濂 O, , A famous article “love lotus said,” which “out of the mud without staining” more ancient words.