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随着两岸关系不断发展,两岸民众交流合作日趋频繁,两岸婚姻不断增多,而且呈现出新的发展趋势。据统计,仅在奉化就有300多对两岸婚姻。为传承中华民族优秀文化和传统美德,弘扬“开明开拓、和谐和乐”的新时期奉化精神,推动两岸姐妹同胞的交流与沟通,促进两岸婚姻家庭和睦与社会和谐,从2011年起,奉化组织举办海峡两岸婆媳文化节,至今已连续举办了五届,在海内外产生了深远的影响,已成为两岸基层交流的知名品牌。首届海峡两岸婆媳文化节由奉化市台办、市妇联与台湾高雄市妇女会联合举办,台湾知名人士蒋方智怡、台湾知名心理学家张怡筠等两岸有关人士、专家学者和两岸50对婆媳相聚奉化,围绕“两岸婆媳话深情,家和国和 With the continuous development of cross-Strait relations, exchanges and cooperation between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have become more frequent and the number of cross-Strait marriages has been on the increase. Moreover, new trends have emerged. According to statistics, there are over 300 pairs of cross-Strait marriages in Fenghua alone. In order to carry forward the fine culture and traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, carry forward the Fenghua spirit in the new era of ”enlightened development, harmony and happiness“, promote the exchange and communication among sisters and compatriots on both sides of the Strait, and promote the harmony of matrimonial families and social harmony across the Taiwan Strait. Since 2011, The organization of the ”Mother and daughter-in-law“ culture festival across the Taiwan Strait by the organization Fenghua has been held for five consecutive years and has had a profound impact both at home and abroad. It has become a well-known brand of cross-Strait grassroots exchanges. The first cross-Strait mother-and daughter-in-law festival was jointly organized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Fenghua City, the Women’s Federation of Taiwan and the Kaohsiung City Women’s Association of Taiwan. Taiwanese celebrities Jiang Fangzhi and Taiwan’s famous psychologist Zhang Yiyun and other parties, experts and scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait gathered in Fenghua, Around the ”cross-Strait wife-in-law words love, home and country and
【正】 一 李奎报是十二世纪末至十三世纪中叶朝鲜(高丽王朝)的一位杰出的现实主义诗人。他清高正直,批评时政,忧国忧民,屡遭贬谪,一生坎坷。然而他创作不辍,以其独特的创作