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魔窟脱险(1941)1941年1月4日,奉命北移的新四军军部及所属皖南部队9000余人,从云岭驻地出发绕道北上。6日在安徽泾县茂林地区,突遭国民党军7个师8万余人的包围袭击。新四军英勇奋战7昼夜,终因寡不敌众,弹尽粮绝,除约2000余人突出重围外,少部被打散,大部壮烈牺牲或被俘。叶挺军? (1941) On January 4, 1941, a total of more than 9,000 troops from the New Fourth Army and its southern Anhui Army, which were ordered to move northward, proceeded northward from Yunling Station. On the 6th, in the Maolin area in Jing County, Anhui Province, it was attacked by more than 80,000 people from 7 divisions of the Kuomintang army. The New Fourth Army was brave and fiercely fighting for seven days and nights. In the end, the enemy was outnumbered by the enemy with a total amount of food and clothing. With the help of about 2,000 outstanding personnel, some were disbanded and most were sacrificed or captured. Ye Tingjun?