乡镇工业是中国农民的伟大创造。从 20世纪 50年代的社队工业至今,乡镇工业的发展已有 40多年历史,其过程曲折复杂。我曾盼望能有一部完整反映江苏乡镇工业全貌的著作问世。前年听说省社会科学院农村发展研究所的徐元明在主持《江苏省志·乡镇工业志》的编写工作。今年春节
Township industry is a great creation of Chinese peasants. Since the commune-marketers industry in the 1950s, the development of township and village industries has been more than 40 years old, and its process is complicated. I had hoped to have a book which fully reflected the whole picture of Jiangsu’s township industries. Two years ago I heard that Xu Yuanming, director of the Institute of Rural Development at the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, presided over the compilation of “Industrial Records of Township and Town in Jiangsu Province”. Spring Festival this year