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为了对付汗手,可常用护肤药皂洗手,洗后用棒脑水搓手,然后再用水洗净。如果你把米饭烧糊了,赶快把火关掉,在米饭上边放一块面包皮,盖上锅盖。五分钟后,面包皮即可把全部糊味吸收。 In order to cope with sweat hands, skin care products can often use soap to wash their hands after washing with stick water, rub, and then washed with water. If you burned rice, quickly switch off the fire, put a piece of bread on top of the rice and close the lid. After five minutes, the bread crust can absorb all the paste smell.
炎炎夏日,骄阳似火,在挥汗如雨、辛苦劳累之余,吃上一份自制的清凉美味点心, Summer, hot as the sun, sweating, hard work and rest, eat a homemade cool delicious sna
呈现块状白膜,这就是人们通常说的[虎口],经常见到新生儿啼哭时,舌尖上、上腭处 Showing lumpy white film, which is what people usually say [Tiger mouth], often see
尽管多年来,我在自己身体上一个劲儿地穷折腾,我还是做对了一件事:即学习了芭蕾舞,后来又以体操训练代替了芭蕾,并学会了恰到好处地为健美进食.如今我虽已四十 Although I
用白木耳代替海蜇皮做凉拌菜,成品菜清脆爽口,清香扑鼻,无论从颜色、形状、口味 Use white fungus instead of jellyfish skin salad, finished crisp and refreshing dish
乌参是高档菜肴的原料,但随着市场的繁荣,人民饮食的改善,此原料在家庭中已不是什么罕见之物。原料虽易得,但却烹不出美味佳肴。望贵刊介绍一下,怎样烹制好。 Wu Sen is a hig
比例:冷菜、热炒、大菜、点心、甜食等在整个宴席上所占的比例不同.冷菜占全桌成 Proportion: cold dishes, stir-fried, big dishes, snacks, sweets, etc. in the entire
郭沫若同志是我国当代的文学巨匠,又是一位伟大的科学家.郭老享年八十有六.在文学界或是在科学界,象郭老这样享有如此 Comrade Guo Moruo is a contemporary literary mast
虾爆鳝面为杭州奎元馆传统名食.其特点是:一、选料精细,鳝鱼缸养活宰,虾仁洁白鲜嫩.二、面条柔滑不粘, Shrimp eel eel surface for the traditional restaurant in Hangzh
湘潭素有“小南京”之称,是座历史悠久的文明古城.她不仅风景秀丽,城园古朴,而且 Known as “Little Nanjing,” Xiangtan is a historic civilized ancient city, with be