Investigation of tribological performances of MCMB

来源 :Science in China,Ser.A | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruguofengdiao
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Tribological properties of Meso-carbon Microbeads (MCMB) powders as a special addi-tive in pentaerythritol were investigated on an Optimal SRV tribotester at 300℃. The coarsely dis-persed lubricant system demonstrates fine lubricious effectiveness at the operation temperature.The friction coefficient dropped from 0.2 to circa 0.12 in the presence of MCMB in pentaerythritolfor the No.45 carbon steel tribomate. Raman spectroscopy analysis indicated the partial transfor-mation of MCMB into increased ordered structures that contributed to the lowering of friction. Tribological properties of Meso-carbon Microbeads (MCMB) powders as a special addi-tive in pentaerythritol were investigated on an Optimal SRV tribotester at 300 ° C. The coarsely disintegrated lubricant system demonstrates fine lubricious effectiveness at the operation temperature. The friction coefficient dropped from 0.2 to circa 0.12 in the presence of MCMB in pentaerythritol for the No. 45 carbon steel tribomate. Raman spectroscopy analysis indicated the partial transfor-mation of MCMB into increased ordered structures that contributed to the lowering of friction.
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