了解小儿麻疹脑炎的临床症状、体征和脑电图改变 ,以及预后的情况。方法 :将 84例脑电图异常的病人其临床症状、体征的出现与否与预后进行分析探讨。结果 :脑电图异常的 84例中 ,有 32例缺乏典型的脑炎症状及体征 ,仅仅在脑电图检查时发现不同程度的异常。结论 :轻度脑炎的病人其症状可能被原发病所掩盖 ,因此建议病人在麻疹出疹期最好作脑电图检查 ,以便及时治疗。
Understand the clinical symptoms, signs and EEG changes in children with measles encephalitis, as well as the prognosis. Methods: 84 cases of abnormal EEG patients clinical symptoms, signs or not, and prognosis were analyzed. Results: Among the 84 cases of EEG abnormalities, 32 cases lack typical symptoms and signs of encephalitis, and only some abnormalities were found in EEG examination. Conclusion: Patients with mild encephalitis may have their symptoms obscured by the primary disease. Therefore, it is suggested that patients should be treated with electroencephalography in the measles rash period for prompt treatment.