贝纳通公司是在1965年,由四位兄妹在意大利共同创立的国际名牌。其发展始源自妹妹朱利娜对编织的浓厚兴趣,加上大哥卢恰诺的灵活头脑,促成这一门跨国的家族生意。初期只有针织品,之后才加入其他产品。1980年以前只在欧洲销售,之后走向国际化,遍及美洲、亚洲等地发展。目前销售遍达120多国,有7000家店,年产量达1亿件服装。贝纳通的服饰较活泼、年青、休闲式风格,讲求搭配及色彩的运用。商标“UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON”意思已充分展现其色彩缤纷的产品风格。产品有衣服、手表、化妆品、皮包、鞋、香水及眼镜等等。意大利总公司很注重形象广告,每年特设一主题,用以打出国际知名度。又强调多种族之间的平等,常通过电视及杂志,宣扬公司文化及社会责任。
Benetton is an international brand founded in 1965 by four brothers and sisters in Italy. Its development began with her sister Julina’s keen interest in weaving, coupled with the agile mind of her eldest brother Luciano, which contributed to this transnational family business. At the beginning, only knitwear was added before other products were added. Before 1980, it was only sold in Europe, and then it became internationalized and developed throughout the Americas and Asia. At present, it sells in more than 120 countries and has 7,000 stores. The annual output reaches 100 million garments. Benetton’s dress is more lively, young, and casual style, with emphasis on the use of collocation and color. The trademark “UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON” means that its colorful product style has been fully demonstrated. Products include clothes, watches, cosmetics, bags, shoes, perfumes, glasses, and more. The Italian head office pays great attention to image advertising. Each year, a special theme is set up for international recognition. Emphasis is also placed on the equality between multiple races, often through television and magazines, to promote corporate culture and social responsibility.