以人为本 升华郑飞——郑州飞机设备公司实施人才工程纪实

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人是生产力诸因素中最活跃的因素。企业间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,企业核心竞争力具体体现在产品上,而实质则为员工队伍的整体竞争能力。不管科技进步如何,人依旧是影响企业发展速度的决定因素。郑州飞机设备公司2000年以前的经济规模始终徘徊浮沉;2002年经济效益综合指数在航空企业排名第一。到2003年郑飞公司再攀高峰,郑飞公司之所以能够连年以50%的增长率强势发展,得益于近年来以“竞聘上岗”、“三工并存、动态转换”、“项目化管理”为代表的一系列“人才工程”政策的实施,得益于对干部、一般员工、技术人员以及党团员干事创业积极性的充分激发,得益于以人为本,公开、公平、公正的竞争激励机制在公司各个区域各个层面的形成。 Man is the most active factor in productivity. In the final analysis, the competition among enterprises is the competition of talents. The core competitiveness of enterprises is embodied in the products, while the essence is the overall competitiveness of the staff. Regardless of the progress of science and technology, people are still the determinants of the speed of business development. Zhengzhou aircraft equipment company before 2000 the size of the economy has always faltered; 2002 economic efficiency index ranked first in the aviation industry. By the year 2003, Zheng Fei climbed the peak again. The reason why Zheng Fei was able to grow at a 50% annual growth rate in recent years is due to the fact that in recent years, with “competitive recruitment”, “coexistence of three workplaces, dynamic transformation” and “project management The implementation of a series of ”Talent Project“ policies represented by the ”Model Project" has benefited from fully stimulating the entrepreneurial initiative of cadres, general employees, technicians and party members and officers, benefiting from the people-oriented, open, fair and impartial competition and incentive mechanism The formation of all levels of the company in all regions.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。11月份各地橡胶工业原材料参考$中国橡胶工业协会 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。走向世界的品牌——访株洲钻石切削股份有限公司!本刊记者@瞿华明 Please download to view, this article does not support o
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2005年2月13日星期日晴今天,我翻开了以前的日记本,不禁为过去所做的傻事,说的那些玩笑话而感到好笑。更为自己小时候幼稚的笔迹而惊奇! 日记本已经很旧了,发黄的纸张,模糊的