第一条 为推进本市住宅产业现代化发展,鼓励在住宅建设中推广应用性能好、质量高、符合环保要求的住宅部品(材料),推进科技进步,不断提高住宅建设质量和科技含量,确保住宅使用功能和安全。根据有关法规、规章和本市住宅产业现代化发展的实际需要,制定本办法。
Article 1 In order to promote the modernization of housing industry in this Municipality, it is encouraged to promote the application of housing components (materials) with good properties, high quality and environmental protection requirements in residential construction so as to promote scientific and technological progress and continuously improve the quality and scientific and technological content of housing construction so as to ensure that housing Use features and safety. According to the relevant laws and regulations, regulations and the actual needs of the city’s housing industry modernization, the development of this approach.