
来源 :抗战史料研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A13808289587
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为纪念七七抗战爆发80周年,笔者从七七抗战对中日两国的影响与意义的角度出发,分析了日本由于自身战略定位及对中国认识的偏执和错误,使七七事变这一其蓄谋挑起的局部冲突事件,引发为中国人民伟大的抗日战争,日本终因轻视中国和中国人民的进步与觉醒而咽下苦果,成为其国运由盛而衰的转折点。而七七抗战却是中国从不断妥协退让到自立自强的转折,是中华民族走向伟大复兴征程的起点。中华民族以七七抗战的艰辛开始,到中国人民伟大的抗日战争胜利结束,向世界展示了其何为伟大民族的内涵、底蕴与风范。七七抗战唤起中华民族无与伦比的觉醒力量,将中国引入富强繁荣的崭新阶段。 In order to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the “7 July War of Resistance Against Japan,” the author analyzes the influence and significance of the “July 7 War of Resistance Against Japan” on China and Japan and analyzes Japan’s paranoia and mistakes made in understanding its own strategic positioning and understanding of China. The localized conflicts that were deliberately provoked provoked the great anti-Japanese war for the Chinese people. Japan eventually swallowed bitter fruit because of despising the progress and awakening of China and the Chinese people and became the turning point in the decline of its national fortunes. However, the war of resistance against Japan in seventy-seven was a turning point in China’s continuous compromise and concession to its independence and self-reliance. It was the starting point for the Chinese nation’s journey toward great rejuvenation. The Chinese nation started with the hardships of the 7-7 war of resistance and ended the victory of the great Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan by showing the world what it means to be a great nation, its heritage and demeanor. The war of resistance against Japan in the 7th and 7th years aroused the unparalleled awakening power of the Chinese nation and brought China into a completely new stage of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity.
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