枇杷为蔷薇科常绿阔叶乔木。原产江南,性喜温暖湿润的气候。 枇杷树冠为自然园头形。其枝叶 扶疏、四季常青、典雅秀丽。特别当五 月份枇杷果成熟的季节、树冠内黄绿 相间,恰似“绿盘”托“金丹”,别有一 番情趣。 枇杷不仅是很好的观赏树种,而 且也具有很高的经济价值。果实除供 鲜食外,可制罐、制枇杷膏。种子含有 大量淀粉、可用来酿制白酒。枇杷叶、 果、花、种仁,均可入药,具有止渴、润
Loquat Rosaceae evergreen broad-leaved trees. Native Jiangnan, sexual hi warm and humid climate. Loquat crown for the natural park head shape. Its branches and leaves help sparse, evergreen, elegant and beautiful. Especially when the ripening season of loquat in May, the crown of yellow and green and white, just like “green plate” care “saver”, do not have some fun. Loquat is not only a good ornamental tree species, but also has high economic value. In addition to providing fresh fruits, can make cans, system of loquat cream. Seeds contain a lot of starch, can be used to brew liquor. Loquat leaves, fruit, flowers, seeds, can be used as medicine, with thirst quencher, Run