美国罗仑兹利物莫国立实验所(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,以下简称LLNL)与国际原子能机构(IAEA)于1988年10月3日至7日在LLNL联合发起并主持召开了“改善核设施安全特性:开发实时剂量评价模式”国际研讨会。会议目的是帮助发展中国家建立一个基于微机的实时剂量浮价模式与系统,以用于估计核设施事故条件下放射性释放的辐射后果。参加会议的国家有美国、英国、西德、意大利、日本、中国、巴西、南斯拉夫、印度的科学家或官员以及IAEA的官员。笔者作为中国代表参加了这次研讨会。
The United States Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) jointly hosted and hosted at LLNL from October 3 to 7, 1988, the “Improvement of Nuclear Facilities Safety Features: Developing a Real-Time Dose Evaluation Model ”International Symposium. The purpose of the conference was to help developing countries to establish a real-time microcomputer-based dose floating mode and system for estimating the radiological consequences of radioactive releases under nuclear accident conditions. The participating countries include scientists, officials of the United States, Britain, West Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Brazil, Yugoslavia and India as well as officials of the IAEA. The author participated as a representative of China in this seminar.