人为水土流失是指陆地上的土壤,或成土母质及岩石碎屑物,在人为因素的影响下,发生各种形式的侵蚀、搬运和再堆积的过程。 人为水土流失从行业成因上划分,主要有矿产资源开发、修建铁路、公路和城市开发等生产建设活动、错误和传统耕作生产方法、不合理森林资源开发等原因造成的。
Artificial soil erosion refers to the soil on the land, or soil parent material and rock debris, under the influence of human factors, the occurrence of various forms of erosion, handling and re-accumulation process. Artificial soil and water loss is divided from industry causes, mainly due to mineral resources development, construction and construction activities such as the construction of railways, highways and cities, mistakes and traditional farming methods, and unreasonable development of forest resources.