The five populations and the recurrent parents were used to develop the segregation population with Griffing Ⅳ. The QTLs for QTLs and their interactions were analyzed by SSR markers and field phenotypes. Among 5 F2 populations developed from the introduction × 3, only one QTL per spike was detected in one population, explaining a phenotypic variation of 10.68%. Nine QTLs were detected in the F2 population derived from interspecific hybridization, which were located on chromosomes 13 and 8, respectively. The explained phenotypic variation ranged from 4.53% to 6.52%. In addition, the interaction between two pairs of QTLs was detected, and the interaction between 10 QTLs and the non-QTLs was detected. The phenotypic variation explained by each type of interaction in a single F2 population was significantly larger than that explained by QTL . These results indicate that gene interaction plays an important role in the formation of ear rows.