Life in the City named Haven in China

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  With its high-octane energy, can-do drive, teeming population and challenging language barrier, China can be an exhausting destination for the first-time visitor. Common complaints I have heard from tourists include: “it’s so crowded—everyone’s pushing and shoving”; “we couldn’t make ourselves understood”; and “we needed another holiday after that trip”.
  The best piece of advice I can give is to avoid trying to cram too much in. There are not many travellers who head to the US and combine Manhattan, Disneyworld, the Grand Canyon and Hollywood in one trip yet the equivalent journey in China is not unheard of. Classic itineraries often rush visitors between the Forbidden City, The Great Wall, the Terracotta Army, Chengdu’s panda sanctuaries and a Three Gorges cruise, finishing up in frantic Shanghai.
  Twenty years ago, such a route would have been more palatable. There were hardly any domestic tourists in those days. But now it seems the whole country is on the move eager to explore their homeland. International visitors face long queues at key tourist attractions and then a jostle among heaving crowds. But approached wisely, China is as uplifting as it is intriguing. It is also an essential stop for anyone hoping to learn more about the direction the world is taking this century.
  Some travel to China to marvel at the skylines of cranes, innovative architectural projects and the country’s artistic endeavours. They should head to the financial and commercial hub of Shanghai, as well as to Beijing’s Olympic Village and the capital’s contemporary art district, housed in a former munitions factory, and called 798.
  Others will be keen to learn more about China’s 5,000-year-old civilisation. That is best viewed through the country’s museums and monuments, from the first emperor’s Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an to Beijing’s Forbidden City, which served as the imperial palace from the Ming dynasty until the end of the Qing dynasty. However, be aware that these mustsee attractions, including Beijing’s Summer Palace and the sections of the Great Wall closest to the capital (notably Badaling), are often the most crowded.
  For the adventurous, there are less well-known and less crowded sites, such as the Buddhist caves at Dunhuang, the charming former capitals of Luoyang and Kaifeng, and the great Taklamakan Desert in the far north-west. Some of China’s exceptional but less frequented museums include Shaanxi History Museum, Xi’an Museum and the Museum of Han Yangling (all three are in or close to Xi’an), as well as Zhejiang Provincial Museum.   Those who come seeking glimpses of daily life should plan a slower-paced itinerary building in time to walk the city’s backstreets and explore the public parks, a traditional teahouse or a quiet temple. This will naturally allow for unplanned pauses: at, say, the threshold of moon shaped gateways leading into courtyards of plum blossom; to hear a street busker playing the haunting two-stringed erhu; and to watch children cycling to school in immaculate blue-and-white uniforms. Not only do these activities offer some respite from sight-seeing but they are also a chance to witness daily Chinese life (rather than the life of a Chinese tourist).
  Another great option is to incorporate travel by train rather than take internal flights in order to mix with locals, catch up on a travel journal and gaze out of the window. It is experiences like these which may make for the most enduring memories of all.
  The best weather is during spring (March until May, but avoid Easter) and autumn (late September to early November) but hotel rates are higher at those times. Prices are lower in the shoulder seasons: February/early June and September/ late November/December.
  Many will prefer to avoid the three main Chinese public holidays: Chinese New Year (also called Spring Festival, usually falling in late January or early February), May holiday (the first week of May) and National Day (the first week of October). Tourist attractions become very crowded at this time.
  Some trips are seasonal, such as those to catch the rhododendron valleys of Shangri-La in bloom, birdwatching in Napahai Lake and, for example, the Harbin International Ice
拖延症同桌  “交作业啦!交作业啦!”每天清晨,五年级(3)班的同学们都会听到语文课代表贺薇薇用熟悉的语调催促他们交作业的声音。同学们都知道她性子急,脾气大不好惹,大家来到教室的第一件事就是把语文作业赶紧拿出来,放到桌子上,等着她来收。  贺薇薇从班里第一张桌子开始收作业,绕着教室走了一圈,差不多收齐了。她抱着一摞作业本回到座位上,看到旁边的空座位时,她眉头一皱,差点儿就要火冒三丈。  “这个钟洋
6·18促销节点的大热,给这场竞争对手之间的掐架增加了不少看点,也事关消费者的切身利益。对此,市场监管总局深夜回应称,已通知属地监管部门调查核实。  格力和奥克斯的隔空喊话,火药味相当强,但谁都没有能让人彻底信服的证据。从格力的角度来看,它列举了能效比和制冷消耗功率不合標准的奥克斯品牌空调型号,一共包括8款,但考虑到二者的竞争关系,由格力委托的第三方检测结果未必完全可信。而奥克斯方面的声明,回避了
Over the weekend, I found myself colouring in. While waiting for food in a restaurant, I started to fill in my two-year-old daughter’s colouring book. I became engrossed in making Peppa Pig green, Geo
90后的她,受福州爱茶文化的影响,4年前因学习茶道而迷上了小巧玲珑、造型多变,被称为“开在茶席间的花”的和果子。于是,她决定成为一名和果子制作师,并定下了“做有自己创意的和果子”的目标。   不过,只是制作和果子的外皮就让她费尽了周折。由豆子、糖、糯米等食材制成的和果子外皮,白豆沙是最主要的材料,而白豆沙的制作材料又是白芸豆,水和白砂糖。   选适量的白芸豆,用量壶取10倍于白芸豆的清水浸泡白
内容提要 以往对中国古代哲学典籍的理解,多是依照西方哲学体系进行的,缺乏对中国哲学之为哲学的前提性反思,因而具有一定局限性。为此,现时代我们需要在中国哲学视域下,在哲学文化作为义理内容与文化形式相统一的理解基础上,以求对中国古代哲学文本的合理解释,亦在此基础上反映出中国古代哲学的存在样态与思想发展。  关键词   〔中图分类号〕B21 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕0447-662X(2009
由西北大学中国思想文化研究所等单位主办的“中国思想史学科建设研讨会——中国思想史研究的回顾与展望”于2007年7月16日至18日在西安举行。来自全国各地的学者一百余人围绕中国思想史研究的理论与方法、思想史思潮和学派、人物和经典研究、中国思想史教学与研究生培养等问题展开了深入的讨论。扼要综述如下。    一、思想史理论研究方法的反思    侯外庐开创的思想史与社会史相结合的研究路径,成为中国思想史研
内容提要 本文以信息产业中的科技人才为例,分析了科技人才城市舒适物偏好的影响因素,以及不同的城市舒适物偏好最终如何影响其就业城市选择。研究发现,城市舒适物类型主要包括生活舒适物、公共服务舒适物和生存舒适物三类。人口统计特征、文化资本以及科技人才家乡城市和大学就读城市特征均会影响其城市舒适物偏好。同时,越偏好城市舒适物系统,越会选择行政级别高、人口规模大、收入水平高的城市就业。而且,中国再分配权力的
创意  名言速记:创造者才是真正的享受者。——富尔克  素材分析:  将乡愁装进空气罐头,听起来是一件不可思议的事情。但在有创新精神的人看来,这是一个商机,更是一种对故乡最好的怀念。  石川是日本大阪一家设计公司的老板,精干有为的他头脑非常灵活,所做的项目也多以脑洞清奇著称,而且不乏出人意料的亮点,在业界可谓独树一帜,因此被人们誉为“创意霸主”。  事业上一帆风顺的石川,和大多数在外创业的人一样,