Manganese is a necessary micronutrient for the normal growth and development of crops. It can enhance crop photosynthesis, promote nitrogen metabolism, regulate redox conditions, and promote crop growth and development. Manganese deficiency will lead to crop yield and quality decline. The mean value of soil available manganese in Hebei was 5.8ppm. The area of low-manganese soil with less than 7ppm of soil available manganese accounted for 79.8% of the total arable land in the province, and the soil with a level of more than 7-19ppm accounted for 13.4% of the total soil. Corn is sensitive to manganese and has a wide planting area. With the increase of the amount of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer, the application of manganese fertilizer has become an increasingly prominent issue. From 1988 to 1991, maize was subjected to manganese sulphate test in Soil and Fertilizer Institute of Hebei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengding and Lincheng. The results showed that with the addition of manganese sulphate, soaking and basal application, the upper biomass increased by 15.3% and 8.6% respectively compared with the control % And 14.0% respectively. The average yields per mu were 34.1 kg, 30.3 kg and 30.2 kg respectively, with yields of 7.9%, 6.8% and 6.5% respectively. Manganese sulfate dressing method is simple and easy to cast