近期关于“人机大战”的新闻不绝于耳,前有1997年,美国IBM公司超级计算机“深蓝”依仗强大的计算能力,“暴力碾压”当时世界排名第一的国际象棋大师卡斯帕罗夫。今有2016年3月9日在韩国首尔落子的美国谷歌公司旗下人工智能公司“深度思维”开发的Alpha Go决战韩国九段围棋高手李世石。结果不期而遇,Alpha GO人工智能以绝对优势压倒。人工智能热潮被再次掀起。在此,我们简单介绍一下Alpha GO深度智能。
Recent news about “man-machine wars ” incessantly, in 1997, before the United States IBM company supercomputer “dark blue ” relying on strong computing power, “violent crush ” was the world’s No. 1 chess master Kasparov. Today there is the Alpha Go decisive battle Korea Kudan Goose ace Shitai Shibuya, developed by Artificial Intelligence Inc. “Deep Thinking ”, which is a subsidiary of Google of USA, March 9, 2016 in Seoul, Korea. The result came as a surprise, Alpha GO artificial intelligence overwhelmingly. Artificial intelligence boom was set off again. Here, we briefly introduce the Alpha GO depth intelligence.