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  A password-free era is coming
  Written by Foreign Correspondent Qing LI
  How many passcodes do we have to remember when we check e-mail, shop on different websites, transfer money online or get access to various types of information and services on the computer? It would be modest to say hundreds of for a netizen who grow up with the Internet. We have to bring the appropriate "key"--the correct password if we go to locked sites on the internet. What if I forget?What if the passcode is stolen? Or what if one is required to change the password from time to time? In short, the burden of remembering passwords is getting heavier. And this is a problem that many security experts are trying to solve.
  There are a lot of password management tools in the market, usually with a random generation of long and complex password strings at the beginning, and then the files of password string are stored in encrypted way, to get access to these encrypted files, you will need a chief password. So, as long as you remember this chief password, you can unlock other passwords. However, once it is attacked by the hacker, you will have to reset the passwords for each site, and verify them by emails one by one, which will cause a lot of time and effort!
  In addition, there are a number of personalized unlock methods, for example, the Android smartphone can be unlocked by swiping the screen. More and more security experts are focusing on biometrics, such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, iris recognition, and so on. The iphone adopts fingerprint recognition, but some people have unlocked their phones with fake fingerprints. This shows that fingerprint identification technology is not completely reliable. The same problems are found with facial recognition and iris recognition.
  What about brain waves? Researchers at the Binghamton University in the United States released a study titled “Brainprinting" in the journal Neurocomputing. They observed 45 volunteers who read the acronyms and found that each volunteer's brain reacted differently to different acronyms, and the individual differences reached 94%. This indicates that the computer system is sufficient to identify the individual. In other words, through a little "learning", the computer can decide whether the person sitting in front of it is the owner based on his or her brain response to the corresponding words. This means that you can unlock the computer by simply listening to a few words without a password. "Brainprinting" is different from fingerprints, once the fingerprint is stolen, the loss will not be recovered, but the "brainprinting can be reset. Although this research is far from practical use, we believe that the era of password-free will eventually come!
风蓄满三月的力量  催促远山接受红柳的鞭策  褪去二月的斑驳  在春的街口  迎回不曾发霉的青葱  阳光是彻悟了的暖男  风倾慕  远山憨笑 合不拢嘴  索尔奇湿地  敬仰者  把一串脚印镶进原野  天鹅感动  亮翅 舞动 长鸣  像一首诗在河滩上平仄  野鼠是探路先鋒  牵着我的口哨声  撑开草海  在草尖上划出揪心的闪电  栈道一心远游  小溪倾心静卧  此处可安顿俗世的我  但我心盛不下这沃
有人说,冬天与春天的界限是瓦解,是冰的坍塌与雪的融化。而山里人感觉春天的到来,便是那山花绽放的笑脸。即使一朵山花笑破,也就闻到了春天的气息,听到了春天匆匆而来的脚步声。  山里的冬天很漫长,还见大雁南飞,转眼便到了冬天,而最先来到人间的春意又总是被雄踞大地的严冬所拒绝、稀释、泯灭。即使达紫香簇簇燃烧,青松、白桦方吐新绿,忽然一夜寒风飘过,飞雪又飘然而至。  于是,我看到春天正向山里走来,听到了春的
畅谈高原  高原,高高在上的草原  辽阔无垠,像阿爸的胸膛  和阿妈温和的胸怀。青藏高原,  多么神奇而美丽的土地,湛蓝的天空下  一片片洁白无瑕的云儿轻轻飘浮  一座座连绵起伏的雪山巍峨耸立  一面面清澈透明的圣湖像蓝宝石  高原人,是多么坚韧  他们以脆弱的生命托举着这片蓝天  他们以辛勤的劳作耕耘着这片热土  高原人,是多么幸福  远离喧嚣亲近大自然赋予的宁静  远离雾霾吮吸大自然清新的空气
马头琴  牧归。缰绳,拖住落日蒼茫  乳香,将草原黄昏熏香  银碗里,酒香弥漫在轻颤的马头琴弦上  如果,将毡房的窄门洞开,哪一匹马抢先  奋蹄奔出  一万匹马的浪潮,将科尔沁草原黄昏的  宁谧,踏碎,淹没  而那些马匹,踏过孤独,悲凉,寒冷的草原  踏过祖先的额尔古纳河,大兴安岭山脉  汹涌,奔腾在  老阿爸沧桑的指尖上  刀子与羊群  起初,从草垛上也能够勉强张望它们  草捆,从欲望的缝隙中 
牧场  羊群走过的牧场。牛群跟着  又走过一遍。一遍一遍走过的  还有高原四季的风,纵马逐风的牧歌  和远近交替的犬吠  羊群走过的牧场。白云也会飘来  沐浴着不期而至的甘霖  马的激灵与相互嘶鸣  有别于羊和牛的沉默  它们走过的牧场。毡房紧随其后  或者,它们原本就走走停停  走过的四季,也宁愿  一辈子沉湎于  草海花河,香醇般呵护  遍野的花朵,分外妖娆与亢奋  羊不伤及它,牛马不伤及它 
起先,车是在平展的大草原上奔驰。过海拉尔继续向西,向北,很快便接近额尔古纳河流域。从区划上分,这已是额尔古纳市领地。  大地突然就起了波澜。草原依然是原来的草原,却一改以往的平静、宁和之态,仿佛应和着某种呼吸的节奏,起伏波动起来,而那些从来不让人产生什么错觉的羊群,也在地势汹涌的摇荡之中化作连片的飞沫或一颗颗保持着微小间距的雪珠。尽管海拉尔已过去很远,并且这个地名在语义上只是一片开着白花的“野韭菜
把井水抽起来  走出石渠牧场,为我联络的援石干部回老家休假去了,我按他走前的嘱咐在援石干部集体宿舍住下。  整理牧场笔记成了我的当务之急。宝贵的生产人类学第一手资料作为亲爱的朋友陪伴,使我在这高寒处又安顿下来。  中队的水泥坝子里停着不少小车,三面是红瓦水泥墙的平房。其一是援石干部宿舍。屋里拥挤地摆着上下铺铁床,床上是统一的方格铺盖。有几张木桌子,塑料凳子很多破的,大家将其重叠着坐。  石渠野狗横
三十年前,我就读过诗人、呼伦贝尔日报总编辑黄剑平的《赠耀志同学》:  翠菊寒梅次第来,霜天雪地亦花魁。  一枝独秀生春色,不在炎时众里开。  这首诗写得既有板有眼、幽凝典雅又时尚阳光、灵动鲜活,还充满了青春的气息。更重要的是大气、端直、真实、深刻,融古今于一炉,其文骨诗魂令人多思与爽振。黄剑平的诗词作品独树一帜,别具特色,谁能不喜欢呢。  又是雪天,漫天的白蝴蝶报喜般纷纷扬扬,这时收到黄剑平先生又
In terms of the scale alone, the earth on which human beings live is just a drop in the ocean of universe. Indeed, the Earth is not easy to find in the solar system, where the sun is in a galaxy of 20
随着浊色浪花的翻滚,静静的河面被船轻盈划开,就像一堆淡黑又夹杂着深灰色的凝固的油脂被锋利的水果刀划开,悄无声息,轻柔无比,可我感觉自己的心还是有些隐隐的疼痛。拽着2015年夏天的尾巴,我终于见到了那条让我魂牵梦绕的河,摸到了那条让我五味杂陈的河——额尔古纳河。  午后的天空不是如水晶的明净,不是像浅海的蔚蓝。相反,一块块、一片片深铅色的雨云相互拥挤着、彼此推搡着,直到把太阳严实遮挡住,才心满意足地