In the process of reflection, scattering and transmission of electromagnetic radiation, plant leaf surfaces will produce polarization characteristics related to their own properties and can be used as valuable information sources in remote sensing information. Multi-angle Earth observation can obtain more detailed and reliable The three-dimensional spatial structure parameters of ground targets make the quantitative remote sensing possible.The multi-angle polarization hyperspectral detection of plant leaves has become a new method in quantitative remote sensing.On the basis of analyzing multi-angle polarization hyperspectral characteristics of vegetation leaves, A 3-factor, 2-level orthogonal experiment was conducted to find out that the interaction of polarization angle, incident zenith angle, chlorophyll and all three factors can affect the plant’s leaf’s polarization reflection, and the polarization angle And the incident zenith angle on plant leaves is particularly significant, the interaction between the two also have a significant impact.Therefore, in the future study, it is necessary to consider the single factor itself on the impact of vegetation leaf polarization reflection, but also to consider the interaction Effect of the effect.