Objective To analyze the comparability of the results of procalcitonin (PCT) between different methods. Methods The methodological alignment and bias evaluation were performed according to EP9-A3 of the American Institute of Clinical and Laboratory Standards. The PCT levels of 40 specimens were determined by chemiluminescence and immunoturbidimetry respectively. The generalized extreme student-biased deviation (ESD) ) Method was used to test for outliers and the regression model was fitted using the best regression model and the bias at the level of medical decision was calculated. The results showed no abnormal values in the scatter plot and no outliers were detected by the ESD method. The results of chemiluminescence and immunoturbidimetry showed good correlation (r2> 0.95). At the medical decision level of PCT 0.50, 2.00, 10.00 ng / mL), both test method and reference method were less than acceptable bias. Conclusions The immunoturbidimetric method is suitable for the determination of PCT bias. The results of chemiluminescence and immunoturbidimetric assay for PCT are comparable.