为开发我省药用植物资源,对我省分布于中缅边界的防己科植物齿叶千金藤Stephania dentifolia Lo et Yang 进行化学成分的研究,自其中分离出两种生物碱,经鉴定为 l—光千金藤定碱(l—Stepholidine)及克斑宁(Crcbanine),提取率分别为0.059%及0.66%,l—光千金藤定碱已证实具有生理活性,并列入我省药品标准,克斑宁经药理试验,具有镇痛、解痉作用,具有一定药用价值,二者结构如下:
In order to develop the resources of medicinal plants in our province, we studied the chemical composition of Stephania dentifolia Lo et Yang, a plant species of the armenbaaceae distributed on the Sino-Burmese border in our province. We isolated two alkaloids and identified them as The extraction rates of l-Stepholidine and Crcbanine were 0.059% and 0.66%, respectively. L-Krigingenine has been confirmed to have physiological activity and was included in the drug standard of our province. The Banninian pharmacological test has analgesic and antispasmodic effects and has a certain medicinal value. The two structures are as follows: