1894年(清光绪二十年),32岁的英属澳大利亚维多利亚州吉隆市出生的莫理循(Morrison,George Ernost)从澳大利亚来到他视为神秘国度的中国上海.次年受聘担任英国《泰晤士报》驻中国记者.此后他花了近3年时间去了缅甸仰光、泰国曼谷,又顺道去了中国云南昆明;接着又长途跋涉到了东北三省,进行了长时间的旅行采访和各类资料的搜集.1897年(光绪二十三年)起他便常驻北京,从此一住就是15年,这期间他不遗余力地搜集西文资料、图书,累计各类书籍2.4万余册,110种刊物和报表,1000多种各类地图、画册和原始照片.由于莫氏20年之良苦用心,搜集了中国为主包括东南亚诸国浩繁的欧文古今图书文献,终于建立了彪炳史册
Morrison (George Ernost), 32, born in Geelong, Victoria, Australia, aged 32, from Australia came to Shanghai, China, which he saw as a mysterious nation, in 1894 (the second year of Emperor Guangxu of Qing dynasty) The Times "correspondent in China since then he spent nearly three years went to Myanmar, Yangon, Bangkok, Thailand, and took the opportunity to Kunming, Yunnan, China; then trek to the three northeastern provinces, for a long period of travel interviews and various types Data collection .In 1897 (Guangxu twenty-three years) since he will be stationed in Beijing, from a residence that is 15 years, during which he spare no effort to collect information in western languages, books, a total of more than 24,000 books of various types, 110 species Publications and reports, more than 1,000 kinds of maps, catalogs and original photos.As a result of 20 years of painstaking efforts, Mohs collected a large number of ancient and modern books and literature in Europe and Asia, including China and Southeast Asia, and finally established a remarkable history