Protein Requirements in Healthy Adults:A Meta-analysis of Nitrogen Balance Studies

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Objective The goal of this study was to analyze protein requirements in healthy adults through a meta-analysis of nitrogen balance studies. Methods A comprehensive search for nitrogen balance studies of healthy adults published up to October 2012 was performed, each study were reviewed, and data were abstracted. The studies were first evaluated for heterogeneity. The average protein requirements were analyzed by using the individual data of each included studies. Study site climate, age, sex, and dietary protein source were compared. Results Data for 348 subjects were gathered from 28 nitrogen balance studies. The natural logarithm of requirement for 348 individuals had a normal distribution with a mean of 4.66. The estimated average requirement was the exponentiation of the mean of the log requirement, 105.64 mg N/kg·d. No significant differences between adult age, source of dietary protein were observed. But there was significant difference between sex and the climate of the study site(P<0.05). Conclusion The estimated average requirement and recommended nutrient intake of the healthy adult population was 105.64 mg N/kg·d(0.66 g high quality protein/kg·d) and 132.05 mg N/kg·d(0.83 g high quality protein/kg·d), respectively. Objective The goal of this study was to analyze protein requirements in healthy adults through a meta-analysis of nitrogen balance studies. Methods A comprehensive search for nitrogen balance studies of healthy adults published up to October 2012 was performed, each study were reviewed, and data The average were first analyzed for heterogeneity. The average protein requirements were analyzed by using the individual data of each included studies. The natural logarithm of requirement for 348 individuals had a normal distribution with a mean of 4.66. The estimated average requirement was the exponentiation of the mean of the log requirement, 105.64 mg N / kg · d. No significant differences between adult age, source of dietary protein were observed. But there was significant difference between sex and the climate of the study s ite (P <0.05). Conclusion The estimated average requirement and recommended nutrient intake of the healthy adult population was 105.64 mg N / kg · d (0.66 g high quality protein / kg · d) and 132.05 mg N / kg · d g high quality protein / kg · d), respectively.
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