语文教材是集自然美、社会美、艺术美、哲理美于一身的仓库。从教学内容看,宇宙人生包罗万象,诗文词赋姹紫嫣红,与其他学科相比,具有得天独厚的审美价值。如何利用语文教材的审美优势和情感优势,让学生感动呢? 一、只有先感动自己才能感动学生 所谓感动,就是思想上和情感上的认同,就是心灵之弦的共鸣。在文学作品中,文学形象、文学意境
Chinese textbooks are a collection of natural beauty, social beauty, artistic beauty, and philosophical beauty. From the perspective of teaching content, the cosmic life is all-encompassing, and the poetry and literary words are of a rich variety. Compared with other disciplines, it has a unique aesthetic value. How to make use of the aesthetic advantages and emotional advantages of Chinese language teaching materials to allow students to move? First, only by touching them first can the students be moved. The so-called touching is ideological and emotional identification, which is the resonance of the strings of the soul. In literary works, literary image, literary mood