位于宝顶山大佛湾的大足石刻《牧牛图》,是笔者在国内所见石刻、木雕、壁画等同类题材保存最为完好而时代最早(南宋孝宗淳熙六年至理宗淳佑九年,即1179-1249年)、最为精细、最为完整的一幅作品。该图涉及版本的认定,佛教、儒教与道教的理论以及该图艺术美与宗教内涵的结合等问题。限于篇幅,本文仅就最后一个问题予以简论。 《牧牛图》是在宝顶山大佛湾南岩近乎曲尺形展开的摩崖雕刻,崖面最高处宽4.55米,最低处宽2.9米,长32.5米(包括序、图颂、结尾语的“了字偈”),依
Dazu Rock Carvings “located in the Big Buddha Bay of Baoding Mountain is the earliest preserved stone carving, wood carving and mural painting of the same kind in China. - 1249), the most elaborate, most complete piece of work. This figure deals with the issues of version identification, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism as well as the combination of art beauty and religious connotation. Due to space limitations, this article only briefly discusses the last issue. The ”Cattle Map“ is a cliff-shaped cliff carving nearly curved in the southern rock of Big Buddha Bay. The top of the cliff is 4.55 meters wide, the lowest is 2.9 meters wide and 32.5 meters long (including sequence, map, ending) Word 偈 ”), according to