
来源 :中共杭州市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:axrczx
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农村低收入群体是全社会最为困难的弱势群体,是最容易被社会边缘化的人群。增加农村低收入群体收入、改善他们的生活、提高他们的生活品质,让他们共享农村改革发展的成果,既是建设社会主义新农村的重要内容,也是全面改善民生促进社会和谐的应有之义,更是建设覆盖城乡、全民共享“生活品质之城”的关键之举,符合科学发展观的要求。提高我市农村低收入群体生活品质,同样要体现中国特色、时代特点、杭州特征,必须以中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,以科学发展观为统领,以构建社会主义和谐社会为目标,以改善“五大生活品质”为内容,政府主导,社会参与,保障生活,促进增收,使全市农村低收入群体的收入水平整体达到和超越全国农村人均水平,生活品质整体达到小康程度。 Low-income groups in rural areas are the most disadvantaged groups in society and the most vulnerable to social marginalization. Increasing the incomes of rural low-income groups, improving their living standards and improving their quality of life so that they can share the fruits of rural reform and development are both an important part of building a new socialist countryside and an obligation to comprehensively improve people’s livelihood and promote social harmony. It is also the key to building a city that covers both urban and rural areas and is open to all and sharing the “city of quality of life.” It is in line with the requirements of the scientific concept of development. To improve the quality of life of the rural low-income groups in our city, it is also necessary to embody the characteristics of China, the characteristics of the times and the characteristics of Hangzhou. We must take the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guide and the scientific concept of development as the guide and the objective of building a socialist harmonious society as the goal. Improve the quality of living of the five major "content, the government-led, social participation, safeguarding life and promoting income, the income level of rural low-income groups in rural areas as a whole to reach and surpass the per capita level of rural areas across the country, the overall quality of life to achieve well-to-do.
【正】 同志们! 全国软科学研究工作座谈会的召开,在我国历史上还是第一次。宋健同志、钱学森同志还有许多专家,都在会上发表了精辟的讲话。会议开得生动活泼,富有新意。这是
【正】 党的十一届三中全会以来,由于实行了农业生产经营的家庭联产承包责任制和一系列的改革开放的政策,广大农村的面貌发生了巨大的变化,但也出现了一些新的问题,其中一个
作为城市治理的重要发展趋向,技术治理的核心是对社会事实进行信息化处理,为城市治理提供更加清晰的社会图景。 智慧治理是现代信息技术发展及其应用的产物,是与城市空间相匹