
来源 :华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Gsea
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南方两熟棉区,为了争取粮棉双高产。适应机械化的要求,在前作收割满畦麦后。采用棉花育苗机套槽移栽可克服套种棉花争地、争光、争肥之矛盾。适当提前播种,使有效结铃期延长,以利达到早熟并争得高产优质的目的。麦后移栽棉的适宜育龄以50~55天为好;苗床蹲苗可控制因高温引起的苗龄过长而窜苗;为克服麦后移栽棉缓苗期过长,根据土壤条件,在机套槽移栽后及时沟灌跑马水可缩短缓苗期,促使生长发育的转化。根据同位素示踪等方法的研究结果表明,根系生长与壮苗和缓苗期长短有密切的关系。经多年的物候观察结果认为长江下游的气候条件可适应采用麦后棉机套槽移栽的栽培技术。 Two cotton fields in the South, in order to fight grain and cotton double high yield. Adapt to the requirements of mechanization, after the harvest before harvesting oats wheat. The use of cotton seedling machine slotted transplanting can overcome the cotton intercropping, win glory, fight the contradictions of fat. Properly sown in advance, so that the effective extension of the bell period, in order to achieve premature and strive for high yield and quality purposes. Transplanting wheat after transplanting cotton appropriate age of 50 to 55 days is better; seedling squatting seedlings can be controlled due to high temperature caused by the age of seedlings and Miao Miao; to overcome wheat transplanting cotton seedling stage is too long, according to soil conditions in the Machine casing slotted transplanting timely furrow horse water can shorten the Huanmiao period, prompting the transformation of growth and development. According to the results of isotope tracing methods and other methods, the root growth is closely related to the length of seedlings and seedlings. After many years of phenological observation results that the climatic conditions of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River can be adapted to the use of cotton trough transplanting cultivation techniques.
一、引进蚯蚓,应做哪些准备工作? 首先选择好饲养场所,室内室外均可。夏天最好选避光阴凉处,冬天选择向阳、避风、保暖良好的地方。应注意:(一)排水性良好。(二)能避免暴雨
目前,印度铁路里程为61836km。其中宽轨为33669km,米轨为23921km,窄轨为4246km。在80年代,印度生产的内燃机车、电力机车和电力动车的数量列于表1。 At present, India’s
第五章 “分子热运动、热能” 这一章的教学内容可分为两个单元。第一单元主要介绍分子运动论的初步知识,用来说明气体、液体、固体性质上的不同。第二单元主要介绍热能概念
1.用起重机吊起一10吨重的物体,钢丝索的最大应力为11吨重,当钢丝索本身的重量不计时,问. (1)物体保持静止时,钢丝索的张力为多少? (2)物体由静止开始匀加速上升,0.4秒内速
设有 n 个物体组成封闭系统,则有动量守恒定律■m_iv_i=■m_iv′_i式中v_i和v′_i分别表示在两个不同时刻物体 m_i所具有的速度。在中学物理中我们通常只讨论由两个物体组成