目的了解厦门市属医疗机构消毒灭菌状况,提高医院感染管理和控制水平。方法每年对医疗机构进行1次现场抽样,按照GB15982-1995《医院消毒卫生标准》和GB15981-1995《消毒与灭菌效果的评价方法与标准》进行检测及判定,计算合格率,分析消毒灭菌效果变化。结果 10年共采样4 909份,平均总合格率为90.2%,各类物品合格率分别为:压力蒸汽灭菌器100.0%,使用中消毒剂98.9%,物体表面96.4%,紫外线灯93.7%,无菌保存液89.7%,医疗用品89.4%,空气80.0%,医务人员手75.0%,污水61.4%,以高压灭菌物品合格率最高,污水合格率最低,样品间合格率消毒效果差异显著。1999—2003年合格率(88.7%)低于2004—2008年合格率(93.3%);医务人员手采样检测总合格率75.0%,外科手合格率(86.7%)高于卫生手合格率(64.8%)。结论 2004—2008年厦门市医疗机构加强对消毒质量管理,其消毒灭菌合格率比1999—2003年明显提高(“非典”事件影响),医护人员外科手合格率高于卫生手,各类样本检测合格率不平衡,消毒措施有待加强,消毒质量有待提高。
Objective To understand the status of disinfection and sterilization in medical institutions in Xiamen and to improve the management and control of hospital infection. Methods The medical institutions were sampled on site every year and tested and judged according to GB15982-1995 Standard for Hospital Disinfection and Sanitation and GB15981-1995 Methods and Criteria for Evaluation of Disinfection and Sterilization Effects to calculate the pass rate and analyze the results of disinfection and sterilization Effect changes. Results A total of 4 909 samples were collected in 10 years, with an average total passing rate of 90.2%. The passing rates of all kinds of items were as follows: pressure steam sterilizer 100.0%, disinfectant 98.9%, surface of object 96.4%, ultraviolet lamp 93.7% 89.7% of sterile preservative solution, 89.4% of medical supplies, 80.0% of air, 75.0% of medical staffs, and 61.4% of sewage. The highest pass rate of autoclaved articles, the lowest pass rate of sewage, and remarkable disinfection effect among sample passing rates were significant. The qualified rate (88.7%) in 1999-2003 was lower than that in 2004-2008 (93.3%). The total passing rate of medical staff was 75.0% by hand, and the qualified rate of surgeons was 86.7% %). Conclusion From 2004 to 2008, the medical institutions in Xiamen strengthened the quality control of disinfection. The passing rate of disinfection and sterilization of Xiamen medical institutions was significantly higher than that of 1999-2003 (the impact of the “SARS” incident), the qualified rate of surgical staff was higher than that of health workers Class sample test pass rate is not balanced, disinfection measures need to be strengthened, the quality of disinfection needs to be improved.