鉴于部队驻地烧伤伤员较多,面能收治烧伤伤员的医院难以满足治疗需要。1988年以来,在175医院的支持下,我们建立了烧伤治疗协作点,开展了中、小面积烧伤的救治工作,收治烧伤伤员182例。临床资料一、一般情况 182例中部队伤员74例(40.7%),地方伤员108例(59.3%)。男111例(61%), 女71例(39%)。年龄4个月~65岁,2岁以下43例(23.6%)。最大烧伤面积23.5%,Ⅲ度8%。烧伤面积10%以上者121例(66.5%)。开水烫伤111例(61%),火焰烧伤61例(23.5%),磷烧伤2例(1.1%),其他烧伤8例(4.4%)。二、治疗方法 (1)静脉补液,纠正电解质及酸碱平衡,给氧等;(2)全身及局部抗感染治疗;(3)Ⅰ度、浅Ⅱ度、部分深Ⅱ度创面采用包扎及半暴露灯烤治疗;(4)部分深Ⅱ度,Ⅲ度创面早期切(削)痂或溶痂植皮术75例次(41.2%);(5)功能锻炼。三、结果 182例烧伤伤员全部治愈,无功能障碍,平均住院23d,其中最长42d。讨论我们部队以往遇有烧伤伤员,都送往离驻地较
In view of the fact that there are more wounded people injured in the military units in the armed forces, it is difficult to meet the treatment needs in the hospitals that can treat the burn wounds. Since 1988, with the support of 175 hospitals, we have established a burn treatment cooperation point, carried out the treatment of small and medium-sized burns, and treated 182 cases of burn injuries. Clinical data First, in general, 182 cases of central troops wounded in 74 cases (40.7%), 108 cases of local wounded (59.3%). There were 111 males (61%) and 71 females (39%). Aged from 4 months to 65 years old, 43 cases under the age of 2 (23.6%). The maximum burn area of 23.5%, Ⅲ degree 8%. 121 cases (66.5%) had burn area more than 10%. 111 cases (61%) had boiled water, 61 cases (23.5%) had flame burns, 2 cases (1.1%) had phosphorus burns, and 8 cases (4.4%) had other burns. Second, the treatment (1) intravenous rehydration to correct electrolyte and acid-base balance, such as oxygen; (2) systemic and local anti-infective treatment; (3) Ⅰ degree, Ⅱ degree shallow depth of partial wounds with semi- (4) 75 cases (41.2%) of early (cut) scab or dissolved callus grafting in partial deep second and third degree wounds; (5) Functional exercises. Third, the results of 182 cases of burn wounds were all cured, no dysfunction, the average hospital 23d, of which the longest 42d. Discussion Our troops, in the past, had burn injuries and were sent away from the resident