In recent years, a lot of diseases that seem less related to each other have been on the rise and brought a lot of visible and invisible health risks to their babies. In addition to the commonplace obesity, eczema, etc., respiratory diseases are quietly increasing. Why is adenoids hypertrophy getting more and more in recent years? When our baby was diagnosed by a doctor as adenoid hypertrophy, and told the need for surgery, the mothers’ heart is full of doubts: What is adenoid hypertrophy? Why before When did we hear of a child as adenoid hypertrophy? Indeed, adenoid hypertrophy has been on the rise in recent years. Adenoid body belongs to a lymphoid organ, a variety of human body does not adapt to external stimuli caused by local lymphocyte proliferation, leading to adenoid hypertrophy. Overall, this is the result of a combination of factors. Neonatal virus