读了《北京统计》2001年第7期刊登的《对GDP缩减指数的探讨》一文,笔者有一些想法,希望与高军、蔡精辉同志及关心GDP核算的同志们共同商榷。 根据国家统计局方法制度的规定,在核算GDP增长速度时使用指数缩减法,其中GDP生产额使用分行业按各自不同的缩减指数缩减的方法,
After reading the article titled “Discussion on the GDP Deflation Index” published by the “Beijing Statistics”, No. 7, 2001, I have some ideas and I hope to discuss with Comrades Gao Jun and Cai Jinghui and those who care about GDP accounting. According to the provisions of the method of the National Bureau of Statistics, the index reduction method is used when accounting for the growth rate of GDP. Among them, the method of reducing the amount of GDP used by industries according to their respective reduction indices,