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我国的旅游业较长期的保持在7%的年均增长率上,已经成为国民经济新的增长点,并且带动了相关产业和社会经济的全面发展。这也为景区里和景区附近的实体书店的发展带来了新的可能。本文主要通过对实体书店与景区的互惠关系、共同发展策略等内容展开讨论,从而对实体书店与景区共同发展有进一步的认识。一、实体书店与景区的互惠关系(一)景区对实体书店发展的推动有的城市要发展旅游城市,开始了旅游景区的规划工作。这样导致实体书店改革就有两大方面的原因。一方面,有的景区要进行规划,一些实体书店就无法继续经营下去。具体来说,对于那些破旧 In the long term, China’s tourism industry has maintained an average annual growth rate of 7% and has become a new growth point of the national economy and has promoted the all-round development of related industries and socio-economic development. This also brings new possibilities for the development of physical bookstores in scenic areas and scenic areas. This article discusses the relationship between the physical bookstore and the scenic area, the strategy of common development and so on, so as to further understand the common development of the physical bookstore and the scenic area. First, the physical bookstore and the reciprocal relationship between the scenic area (A) the development of scenic spots on the promotion of physical bookstore Some cities to develop the tourist city, began the planning of tourist attractions. This leads to physical bookstore reform there are two major reasons. On the one hand, some scenic areas to be planned, some physical bookstores can not continue to operate. Specifically, for those shabby
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