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患者男,60岁,因发现左眼下睑包块1年半入院。专科检查:VOD 0.5,矫无助,VOS 0.6,矫无助。左眼下睑外下方皮下可触及约1.5×1cm大小的肿物,质地中等硬度,表面光滑,边界清楚,可推动,无压痛。挤压泪囊区无分泌物溢出。结膜无充血水肿,角膜、玻璃体均透明,视盘边界清,色正常,C/D=0.3,黄斑中心凹光反射减弱,视网膜未见出血及渗出,A/V=2/3,眼压Tn。CT检查:左眶外下象限见大小约2.4cm×1.3cm软组织肿块影,其内密度较均匀,边界 Male patient, 60 years old, was found admitted to the left lower eyelid mass for 1 year and a half. Specialist examination: VOD 0.5, correction helpless, VOS 0.6, correction helpless. Left under the lower eyelid outside the subcutaneous can reach about 1.5 × 1cm size of the tumor, the texture of medium hardness, smooth surface, the boundary is clear, can promote, no tenderness. No leakage of secretions in the dacryocyst area. Conjunctiva had no congestion and edema, cornea and vitreous were clear, the optic disc border was clear and the color was normal. The C / D was 0.3. The foveal reflex of the foveal was diminished. No retinal hemorrhage and exudation were observed. The A / V was 2/3. . CT examination: see the left orbit below the quadrant size of about 2.4cm × 1.3cm soft tissue mass, the density is more uniform, the border
猎手变猎物    我们曾大张旗鼓地振兴京剧,什么硕士班,什么音配像,但20多年的实践证明,京剧依然垂暮衰微。再如我们投入巨额经费人工繁育大熊猫,但野外放生的结果令人沮丧。熊猫的退化是命中注定的,是造化使然。人工繁育的熊猫使原本就不断退化的它们,差不多已沦为了人类的宠物。  在100万年前的更生世中晚期,与剑齿象一样剽悍的大熊猫,已经广布于我国南半部,它的古代名称有貘、白豹、林云等。当时的熊猫敏捷凶
(A) Bill:That’s a beautiful cat,Whose is it?Do you know? Frank:It belongs to the Browns.They live at the corner ofthe street.They have two cats and a dog. Bil
Aiming at the signal bandwidth design problem for multi-target imaging task, a kind of multiple input multiple output ( MIMO) radar waveform design method is pr