After years of research by four anthropologists, Li Chuanyuan, You Yuzhu, Xu Qinqi and Ji Hongxiang, the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Pesticides, Chinese Academy of Sciences, recently proposed that the Jiangsu-Anhui region centered on Shuanggou in Jiangsu Province is one of the world’s centers of human origins . This is a briefing by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the Shuangou International Scientific Expedition Annual Meeting attended by hundreds of famous anthropologists from China and the world. According to reports, Professor Li Chuanyong found in Shuanggou Songlin village southeast of 1977, one of the earliest in the Asian era gibbon fossils, will be named Shuanggou drunk ape, and determine the age of Miocene, dating back about 10 million year. Since then, Shuanggou has discovered that about 40,000 years ago, Shuanggou Shouwan ancient human fossils, and Beijing Zhoukoudian Cave people are very similar. expert