
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yifeng9131120
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根据卫生监督体制改革意见和加强农村卫生监督管理的要求,泰州市卫生局于2012年起在全市推广卫生监督分所建设。该研究通过调查分析卫生监督分所建设成效与存在的问题,提出规范化建设思路,为制定《泰州市卫生监督分所建设达标评估标准(试行)》提供技术支撑。通过近一年半的努力,泰州市各乡镇已初步建立了较为完善的新型卫生监督管理体系,实现了经费、设施和办公用品用具配备全到位,依法履职全覆盖。但也存在人员、职责、任务、经费不到位的现实问题,这些将是下一步卫生监督乡镇分所建设工作中需要进一步规范的重点。 According to the opinions of health supervision system reform and strengthening the requirements of rural health supervision and management, Taizhou Health Bureau started to promote the construction of health supervision branch in the city from 2012 onwards. This research investigates and analyzes the effectiveness and existing problems in the construction of health supervision branch offices, puts forward the idea of ​​standardization construction and provides technical support for the formulation of “Assessment Standards for the Construction of Health Supervision Branch Office in Taizhou City (Trial)”. Through nearly a year and a half of hard work, all townships and towns in Taizhou have initially established a relatively complete new type of health supervision and management system, which has fully realized the allocation of funds, facilities and office supplies and full compliance with the law. However, there are also practical problems such as personnel, responsibilities, tasks and funds that are not in place. These will be the focus of the next step in the health supervision of township branch offices that need to be further standardized.
目的利用双向电泳和质谱技术对小鼠骨髓来源未成熟树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)表达的蛋白质进行分析。方法 IL-4和GM-CSF诱导未成熟DC的分化,提取细胞总蛋白,定量。双向
论述了非导电超硬材料充气式电化学电火花复合加工(GEECM) 中加入超声强化工艺(UGEECM) 的微观机理,建立了UGEECM 超声激振系统,进行了工艺实验研究。 The microscopic mechanism of adding ultraso